Saturday July 27, 2024

Why it’s a Great Time to Consider Becoming a Paralegal

Looking for a career that has endless advancement opportunities?  A career that is visible enough so that your contributions don’t get overlooked, yet just enough out of the fast pace that you can actually concentrate on many tasks at once?  Paralegals enjoy these environments every day and the best part is they’re often afforded many career avenues.  City, county and state municipalities, major corporations and other agencies always notice a paralegal’s contributions.  After all, in many ways, a paralegal is the project manager of any case he or she may be working on.  Along with the attorneys, paralegals ensure the proverbial bases are covered, says A. Harrison Barnes, career coach and founder of  This makes it not only a coveted career choice for many, but also opens up doors for other advancement opportunities outside a traditional legal office.

The very qualities that make a good paralegal, such as interviewing clients, writing legal briefs, correspondence and evidence gathering, are just what’s needed to define an excellent leader.  Because part of the educational process includes effective writing, it’s no surprise some seasoned paralegals decide to become investigative journalists, says the founder.

One example that’s currently making news is the major oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  Lawyers are loading up and heading south.  With them, they’re bringing their best paralegals to keep them organized and ahead of the curve.  Clearly, these personnel are offered a unique stance from witnessing the events as they unfold.  Many are keeping detailed notes, which will help forever memorialize this important moment in time that’s unprecedented.  Of course, they’re maintaining a timeline for the attorneys they’re working for, but their first hand view of the events will lend to opportunities for making significant contributions away from the law firm.

If you’re interested in becoming a paralegal and believe this is the career option you’ve been looking for, check into your state’s programs.  There are educational requirements, of course, and most states require some kind of licensing process before you can work as a paralegal in or out of a law firm.  And rest assured, attorneys are always looking for those bright minds who are good at what they do and who can ease the burdens they face on a daily basis.  If you’re dedicated, you’ll find the perfect position.  If you build your reputation, you’ll always have your choice of perfect positions.

Once you’ve completed your educational requirements, A. Harrison Barnes says your next step is to prepare a flawless resume that will not only get you noticed, but will ensure job offers.  Visit today for more information and background on paralegals, their salaries and other advancement opportunities.

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Starting a Career in Divorce Law

Incase you are going for divorce; you will inevitably require legal assistance. A divorce lawyer will help you to deal with the case, fight for justice, and represent your interest during the times of negotiations between you and your spouse in the court. The competent and professional lawyers can bring about settlement of the court trials within the shortest possible time.

The duties and responsibilities of the divorce lawyers have been discussed here by A. Harrison Barnes the CEO of Legal Authority. In the first place you need to fix an appointment with the legal professional and brief your situation to the lawyer. The divorce lawyer must be able to communicate very effectively and must see to it that the person seeking divorce is able to share with you all personal details and the reasons behind seeking the divorce. It is the responsibility of the lawyer to provide you with assistance, whether you should move out of the marital home or seek custody of your child. The divorce lawyer also provides you with information with regards to matters relating to marital possessions, bank accounts, money and credit cards, says A. Harrison Barnes. The empathetic and compassionate lawyers make also help you to seek treatments for the stress and anxiety you and your child is going through during the entire divorce period.

The divorce lawyers are required to prepare documents for the custody of the child, says A. Harrison Barnes the CEO of Legal Authority. The credentials will contain details about financial supports provided to a child. The responsibility of preparing a formal divorce report falls within the purview of the divorce lawyer. It is very important that the lawyer analyses and evaluates the cases very minutely by referring to the pension, financial, real estate documents , insurance, business, copy of the tax returns provided by you. The orders with regard to custody arrangements, temporary visitation, motions related to the spousal or child support are prepared by the divorce lawyers, says A. Harrison Barnes. If the lawyer requires more information, he must ask for relevant information and documents from the party. The advocate may have to interrogate the party to avail further information.

Your lawyer has the responsibility of responding to your mails or letters in a time bound manner. The lawyer is required to send relevant copies and messages that he receives from the spouses attorneys. It is the responsibility of the lawyer to keep the parties abreast with the latest developments of the case. The divorce lawyer must provide you with the latest developmental reports relating to distribution of assets and the decisions pertaining to the custody of the child. Finally when the time arrives for solidification of the settlement terms, the divorce lawyer files a final draft settlement, which the party reviews and approves.

With the progress of your case, the need for legal assistance increases. The divorce lawyers are responsible for arranging for the child’s custody, business valuations and material goods appraisal. For some of these purposes the divorce lawyer may refer you to some of the professionals of the particular field, says A. Harrison Barnes. It is the responsibility of a lawyer to assist you in the court proceedings, depositions and hearings. The issues relating to spousal, child support, business valuations also fall within the purview of the divorce lawyers. The lawyers may also advise you about the way you should dress up while going for the trial cases in the law courts.

The divorce lawyers committed to the cause of their clients may assist in adoption of several labor-intensive tasks. These not only saves your money but also other resources. He may help you to arrange and organize the tax returns papers, receipts, and other important credentials and finally draw up a list of marital assets.

In order to become a divorce lawyer, you must earn a JD or jurist doctoral degree. Communications, English, philosophy, jurisprudence, argument and civil procedure are included within the broad purview of jurist doctor says A. Harrison Barnes. The divorce lawyers are required to pass both the BAR and LSAT examinations, so that they can practice. Previous experience in the legal profession as an intern can provide additional benefits. They are required to possess the JD degree from an Accredited Law School. The candidates who wish to pursue their career in this field must possess three years of experience in family law. Along with this the matters related to dissolution of marriage must also be studied by the law students. He must also be licensed in order to be able to practice.

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Considering a Government Job

When you are thinking about applying for a job, you will find many concerns that might trouble you. You may be wondering whether you are going to get paid enough, you might be worried about job security, or you may be wondering if the job offers enough insurance for what you need. The truth of the matter is that when you are looking at getting a job that will take care of you, you need to turn your attention towards getting a government job! A government job is widely considered to be among the most desirable kinds of jobs out there, so take a moment to consider what you need to know to get it.

The first thing that you need to do is to head to the correct website. There are a number of different websites that can point you towards government jobs in many areas; whether you are looking for a job with the federal government or you are looking for a job that actually keeps you a little closer to home when you are looking at getting a job for your state or even for your city. You will find that these sites will give you a lot of information on how to apply and they will also allow you, in many cases, to get the application process started online. Remember you not only need to fill out the right forms, you will also need to make contact with the office in question right away. Take a moment to consider what your options are going to be and what you can do to make sure that you are getting into the right position.

Depending on the job that you want, you are going to need to consider how and when you can take the civil services exam. There are many people who are interested in getting these jobs thanks to the good pay and the high amount of security. The exam that you are looking into can be something that is very much in demand. Make sure your chances are as good as they can be by reviewing any practice material that might help. Ensure you are feeling alert and confident about the exam. Take some time and consider what your options are going to be and how you can prepare. If you know someone else who is already working where you want to work, remember to pick their brain!

If you are looking into getting a government job, remember that you might need to go through a security check. Outstanding credit problems can be a real issue when you are thinking about moving forward. You will find that it is a good idea to get them resolved as soon as you can. This can be instrumental in getting hired and it can be a huge help to impressing the people who are interviewing you.

Take a moment to think about the benefit of applying for a government job; it might be precisely what you have been looking for!

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Working as a Legal Intern

Today going for an internship is very necessary for every law students. It is in fact a must for them. The legal employers these days pay interest to only those law students who have been an intern during their law school days. In fact the experienced interns are much in demand in the legal job market. If you have not been an intern during the days of law institutions then the legal employers may start believing that you are not competent enough for the job or may even believe that you are not here to become a lawyer and thus are not serious with your job.

Internship is a kind of agreement made between the legal employer and the law student. According to this agreement the law student has to work for the legal employer for a fixed period of time and in reply the legal employer has to teach the law students about the workings at a law firm. The internships for law students are mostly unpaid. But there are few legal organizations that pay a very small wage to the interns working at their law firm says A. Harrison Barnes, the owner and the creator of Legal

Internships for the law students is very important and beneficial because they get to know about the environment of a law firm, the workings of the law firm, the expectations of the legal employers, the kind of different attorneys working at the law firm and most importantly will give them the knowledge about the law field they are interested to work in. knowledge about the different law fields will help the law student judge the right field for his legal career believes A. Harrison Barnes. Almost all the colleges provide their law students with the chance of internship during their vacations.

These internships are also the methods for hiring good and efficient lawyers in the law firm. The legal employers prefer this method because they get the chance to know the capability and skills of the law students; they get to know how beneficial a law student can be in performing in the law firm. It is through the internship the legal employers judge the perfect employee for their firm. This method even doesn’t ask for expenditure on the legal job search engines and other hiring processes and thus is very much preferred by the legal employers says A. Harrison Barnes who has been in the recruiting field past many years. Thus internship is a great opportunity to get a permanent job with the potential legal employer for the law students.

Not only will an internship help you get a permanent law job but will also help you set long term career goals to enhance your future legal career believes A. Harrison Barnes. Thus in order to help you in your future legal career, try helping yourself at the level of internship by setting up goals before going for an internship at a law firm. You have to decide on what exactly do you want from your internship and how will it help you move ahead in your legal career.

Once you have set up goals decide on the kind of legal firms that fit in your set of goals. You have to consider the size of the firm along with the culture, environment and practice areas. This will help you know what kind of environment and work culture will suit you and will also provide you with enough experience feel A. Harrison Barnes. Your choice of law firm should also include the geographical location you want to live in during the days of internship. It is suggested that if you get a good opportunity outside your locality or city then definitely go for it. You will have a very different kind of experience working at a distance area from your home.

Make sure that you are not only looking for paid internships but as well as unpaid internships. Many large law firms do not pay their interns thus if you are looking for only paid internships then you are closing many good opportunities for you. A. Harrison Barnes says that most of the paid internships are very professional and thus they legal employers make sure that they get the most out of the paid services that you give them.

You should take time in preparing your internship resume. Make it a very effective one that catches the eye of the legal employer and helps you get to do the internship at the legal firm along with the law student cover letter. Once you have the chance of being an intern, make sure that you utilize the opportunity well.

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Which Stressful Jobs Are Going to Be Worth it?

Are you someone who is thinking about getting into a job or career where stress is going to be a factor? The thing that you need to keep in mind is that your job or career is something that can take a lot of time and energy in your life, even when you are not there, and the truth of the matter is that you might find yourself wondering whether it is going to be worth it. Take some time and look into what your options are going to be when you are looking into the jobs that you are thinking of. Are you ready to be in a place where your job stresses you out and affects the way that you live your life? You need to think about whether your job is worth it.

If you are thinking about taking a job that is known to be stressful, like being a farmer, an emergency medical technician, or something similar, you should think about it is going to affect your life. Take some time and think about how well you handle stress. Are you someone who finds that they need a certain amount of stress in their life? We all handle stress in different ways and you will find that there are a number of different ways that you might go. For instance, if you are someone who thrives on stress and who needs a certain amount of it in your work place and the place that you work, going to work in a Stressful Job might be something that really works for you.

On the other hand, if you are someone who freezes up when they get stressed out or if you find that you keep taking your work home with you, even if it is just in your head, it might be time to go somewhere else and to make sure that you are going to be able to move forward. Take some time to assess your own stress and to find out where it might lead you. Consider what your needs are and also look into how you have handled stress in the past. Even if you are in a place where you are not going to be able to get the work that you need, you may learn something quite important about the way that you function.

Consider what kind of stressful jobs are going to be best for you. Do you find that you are in a place where the idea of stress excites you? Are you ready to move on and to make sure that you are going to be getting the right kind of interesting position? In many cases, positions where you help people are all ones that are going to be stressful, so think about how you are going to handle it. When you are ready to think about what your options are and when you are in a place where you want the best, think about what your issues are and how you deal with them.

Take some time and look into the Stressful Jobs that might be right for you; chances are good that you can find a job that matches your needs.

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Beyond the Suggestion Box – Incorporating Employee Suggestion Program

Are you someone who is interested in moving forward and making sure that your company is in a good place? Do you want to make sure that you are getting career advice from the right places and that if you need to make a career change, it is for the right reasons? Unfortunately, one of the reasons that many good employees feel that they need to make a career change is due to the fact that they feel that their companies do not listen to them! In many companies, the career advice that young workers are given is that they should not rock the boat and when this gets embedded, you are looking at a situation where people are going to be frustrated and angry.

Every company wants to have a clear and present understanding of their employees’ needs and this is where things like suggestion boxes come into play. A suggestion box is something that many people feel is a necessity because it allows workers to communicate with their management in a way that does not leave them open to reprisals or punishment. On the other hand, it is quite important to remember that while a suggestion box is going to be a good place to start, it is not the place that you need to stop! To facilitate better communication in your company and to make sure that your company is functioning well on top of things, you will discover that you need to look at something that can make a huge difference in the way that you move forward with your best employees.

One thing that management can do to facilitate communication is to make sure that ideas are not just accepted but rewarded. Too often, workers worry that their suggestions are simply things that make their management angry or that they are merely being tolerated. However, the truth of the matter is that getting ideas from the workers is something that can make the company work much more effectively and it can even help them turn a profit. Take some time and make sure that you consider how you are going to be able to keep things running. One thing that you can definitely do is to reward good ideas. Whether the reward can come in the form of more perks or more money in general, this is definitely something that you need to consider.

Also remember that face time between workers and management is also something that is quite important. You will discover that when you are looking at getting close and meeting each other face to face that there is going to be a lot more respect and comfort. If you know that you are working with someone who cares about the company as much as you do, and if you know that they are also working hard, it can make everyone understand each other a little bit better. Face time is something that should never be forgotten and if your workers don’t at least know each other by sight, there is a problem.

Take some time and make sure that you look into how a good employee suggestion program, with all the rewards that entails, can help move your company forward!

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What does a Patent Paralegal do?

The patent paralegals are required to protect ideas. The field of patent law is considered to be one of the fastest growing sectors in the field of legal profession. The patent paralegals, part of the patent law firm, is required to undertake a variety of functions.

Functions performed by the patent paralegals:

A. Harrison Barnes the CEO of has focused on several functions performed by the patent paralegals and they are as follows:

• The patent paralegals are required to provide effectual litigation support in all the different stages of the process of litigation. This function of the patent paralegal is performed under the supervision of a lawyer. • The paralegal employed in the legal profession, is required to carry out extensive research work says A. Harrison Barnes. They carry out research work on the cases that are handled by the patent law firm or by the patent lawyer. For this, the paralegal is required to perform a thorough research in the validity of the claims for unproved ideas. The research work also helps the patent paralegal to correspond with the U.S. Patent Office on a regular basis. • The inventor in the patent is given a fixed period of time. • The paralegal analyzes and prepares review information on the cases pertaining to court and legal issues. • Planning and organization forms an important part of the functions performed by the paralegals. The paralegals are responsible for maintaining updated, precise, comprehensive and thorough records in a planned and organized manner. These records need to be stored in accordance with the legal ethics, standards and rules. • He must assist an attorney in discovering and preparing the case at hand. • Paralegals conduct interviews with clients and the witnesses when the need arises. • The patent paralegals must be proficient in multi tasking and must be able to handle legal responsibilities when ever assigned. • A patent specialist helps in making visual packages, prepares patent file history and portfolio summaries. He also helps in preparing divisional and continuation applications. • They also review applications for entirety and technical accuracy. Apart from this, they transmit temporary patent applications. • Another function also includes filing of U.S., global, and overseas patent applications and associated correspondence, staying updated about the latest news, and periodical review of the attorney docket.

Patent paralegals may work in different kinds of law firms says A. Harrison Barnes of They may work in small firms with 1 or 2 attorneys; they may also serve larger groups containing hundreds of lawyers. There are also cases where the patent paralegals have worked for patent agents, assisting investors for obtaining a copyright for their proposal.

Educational qualification for patent paralegals:

The patent paralegals are required to have an Associate’s degree or degree from any junior law college to become a patent paralegal. Some of the patent paralegals may hold bachelors degree and still continue in the legal profession. Some of the other requirements include five years or a work experience of more than five years. The patent lawyers must be in the patent sector for at least three years. The paralegal must be competent enough to handle work priorities well and within the stipulated date lines. The paralegals need to be computer savvy and well versed with MSWord, Outlook, and Excel. The paralegals however are not required to possess any certificate or license. Some of the paralegals, if they choose to, can obtain specific diploma from National Association of Legal Assistants, National Federation of Paralegals Association, or American Alliance of Certified Paralegals, says A. Harrison Barnes of

According to the statistical data released by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the demand for paralegals may increase by about 22% over the next couple of years. The patent law field has been one of the fastest growing streams of work in the legal job market says A. Harrison Barnes. Increased awareness among the civilians about intellectual property rights, and patents has further expanded the field of patent law. The patent paralegals, also called patent secretaries or patent specialists, are responsible for handling administrative work concerning patent inventions. They are frequently employed in universities, law firms and corporations. The people with science or engineering background can become a registered paralegal. All you need to do is, pass the patent Bar Examination. The field of law is very complex and it requires adequate training from patent paralegal schools to become a qualified and professional patent paralegal. The paralegals involved in the job, starts their career with an annual income of $35,000. After gaining work experience they earn about $70,000 per year says A. Harrison Barnes.

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Law Firm Job Transition Issues

In the tough economic scenario, the law firms are deducing more effective marketing strategies and sophisticated talents for ensuring growth and expansion of legal jobs. The lawyers, both overseas and in the domestic market, are devising all possible measures to transform their law firms and also their careers. There are several factors behind transition that one needs to take a closer look at.

Business transactions like mergers, though stressful, can yield good amount of profits. In the volatile market situation, the partners are required to stay prepared for transition of their clients immediately in case of a merger or take-over. In such cases, veteran partners of the firm who have worked efficiently for a long time are understandable to face cultural stresses. However, they also get the chance of working for a newer and bigger firm, and with all their efficiency and experience they get to build more successful careers for themselves. They are usually given a whole new bunch of alternative opportunities after the merger, says A. Harrison Barnes, the CEO of

Another common dilemma faced by the partners while transition is that billing rates are lower in their current firms and due to the higher billing rates in his new firm he might lose some clients. This is a problem particularly visible when they are transitioning from a small or medium-sized law firm to bigger firms. However, the professional can look at it as a great opportunity. The fact remains that the partner gets a better and larger platform for delivering services to the clients at the bigger firm. They might have to forsake some clients, but should not have too much difficulty in convincing their long-term clients to gradually adjust to the increased fee rates. Confidence and client loyalty count a lot in here. And they can prove useful to their new, bigger law firm by proving their worth there, coming up with innovative ideas which are beneficial to the firms. The bottom line here is, In the process of “upgrading” their firm to a larger one, they can also upgrade their legal career, says A. Harrison Barnes.

The law firms find it lucrative to work with the legal professionals or partners, for they come up with innovative ideas which are beneficial to the law firms. The professional who share long term relation with their client, does not have much difficulty in convincing them to increase the rate structures. This is mainly due to the fact that the partner has a better platform for delivering services to the clients once he has reached the targeted firm. In the process of “upgrading” their firm to a larger one, they make use of sophisticated techniques.

One of the common problems faced by some highly-skilled legal professionals is that due to their wide regard in the group they are entrusted with the thankless job of servicing the books of the others, according to A. Harrison Barnes. This allows them little or no time to build their own books. If such a partner is not satisfied continuously servicing others’ books, he can consider transition to another law firm for getting more opportunities for building his own book. Since the partner hails from a prestigious firm and has excellent client skills, he is well accepted into his new firm and with his wide range of business contacts he can pursue a more satisfactory career after the transition.

Factors which the partners should take cognizance of during legal transition

• The legal professionals are required to find a new mentor for good advice, either from their present firm or from the legal community. • Joining the bar groups or associations in your locality or nearby locations is a good option. • Joining professional courses that appeal to you like CLEs is also advisable. • Attending hearings and trials in the court houses can be helpful. • Start socializing and expanding your business contacts. • Try to be very patient and prudent. • Establish your reputation for being principled and experienced.

Legal professionals should not hesitate to incur short-term losses for long-term gains, feels A. Harrison Barnes. The partner in these situations is simply required to make adjustments in remunerations and perks for a short period. The legal professionals transitioning to a new legal firm, with the help of the scrupulous conscientiousness of the recruiter can shape your ability of bringing in new business smoothly and build your book successfully.

The legal professionals are rated on the basis of their billing rates, track record of the past three years and client billings to determine their value. The law firm ensures that the partner possesses the necessary credibility that are necessary to take the law firm to altogether new heights. The legal professionals can continuously examine and analyze the strength and weaknesses of their personal data and accordingly transit to a new law firm, says A. Harrison Barnes. “Defined Benefit Plans” are provided by some law firms to ensure that employees stick around for years, however, partners must not feel “trapped” because of the additional benefits they are being provided. Partners who get the opportunity to move into new law firms may experience significant alterations in their benefit packages or a sharp rise in their taxes. They are, therefore, required to weigh all the pros and cons before transiting to another law firm.

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How to Maintain a Good Client-Lawyer Relationship

In today’s world, legalities pervade almost all major decisions of life and one has to resort to a lawyer in most of the regular functions one performs, be it a real estate deal, filing of tax returns, buying a car, getting married, or any dispute, etc. However, it is also quite likely in some cases that a client-lawyer dispute might arise. It is, thus, of paramount importance that A. Healthy client-lawyer relation is maintained in keeping with professional ethics which would be conducive to the function. Here are some rules as mentioned by CEO of legal jobs website A. Harrison Barnes. By following these one can have a good Client-Lawyer relationship.

The first salient feature of a perfect Client-Lawyer relation is an apt level of Competence on the part of the lawyer. As A. Harrison Barnes mentions, the lawyer is supposed to provide competent level of representation on behalf of the client. For that he needs a sound legal knowledge, edged-out skills, a meticulous attitude along with the mindset of adequate preparation. Each of these elements plays a significant role in an all-round representation of the client.

Next requirement for A. Healthy Client-Lawyer relation is ample amount of communication. A. Harrison Barnes points out that a lawyer needs to regularly keep the client informed of all the relevant circumstances and decisions in regard to which the client’s consent would be necessary. He also needs to consult in detail with the client about the various ways in which his/her goals could be achieved. It is one of the lawyer’s most crucial responsibilities to keep the client informed about the lawsuit. If the client requests for further detailed data, the lawyer is bound to promptly act on the situation and provide all the relevant details. The lawyer should also get into consultation sessions with the client about particular restraints on his conduct. This is because the clients often expect their attorneys to assist them even in areas which fall outside the Rules of Professional Conduct.

Next important aspect of a client-lawyer relationship is Confidentiality of Information. A lawyer’s job by its very nature is to keep all the information relating to the client a secret. The code of professional legal representation goes so: a lawyer is not supposed to reveal any information about his client or lawsuit unless the client provides his consent. Moreover, the disclosure is only to be carried out in circumstances of authorized representation. He or she can only reveal the information about the client to an extent till which they personally think is indispensable. Such situations include the following circumstances: prevention of a death sentence, prevention of death or possible physical harm, revelation of the client’s actual intention behind a crime, saving the client from committing a potential fraud that would lead to bulk financial losses, prevention and rectification of extensive damage to financial status and property in the context of which the client seeks advice, to comply to the order of a Court of Law, etc.

The fourth important salient feature for a sound rapport between the Client and the Lawyer is the Fee. A lawyer should never make an agreement for purposes of collecting irrational amounts as the fee or for expenses. A reasonable fee should be decided on the basis of the following elements, says A. Harrison Barnes:

• Time and effort required for the case/lawsuit. • Uniqueness and complexity of the circumstances and questions involved in the lawsuit. • The necessary talent and ability mandatory to carry out the appropriate legal service as it should be.

Other than these three primary factors, there are some secondary factors as well that are considered for deciding the charges:

• The range of fee habitually charged in the neighborhood for legal services and lawsuits of a similar kind. • The knowledge, status, reputation and professionally skilled capability of the lawyer, or the team of lawyers involved in the case who perform the services together. • The character and extent of the professional relationship that the lawyer involved and the client in question share from previous circumstances. • The original amount caught up and the consequences achieved. • The particular time limitations and the complex circumstances that are forced onto the lawyer on a mandatory basis by the client.

Another salient feature of an ideal Client-Lawyer relation is Conflict of Interest. This means, a lawyer should never represent two or more clients simultaneously should they have mutually conflicting interests at stake. Such a conflict may occur, when the lawyer represents a client whose causes are directly in opposition to that of another client. A lawyer should not opt for representation if there is a noteworthy risk of one or more clients to get significantly limited by his or her responsibilities to another client. A. Harrison Barnes categorically advises that representation should be avoided if the lawyer personally believes that such an act would not be enough to provide skilled and meticulous representation to another client.

These are the salient features of maintaining an ideal Client-Lawyer relation. If they are meticulously followed then the result would be a smooth and hassle-free lawsuit in which the lawyer would be able to pursue the case in the best way from which the client could expect the best outcome.

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License to Change

Many lawyers and doctors go into their chosen field for personal reasons. Doctors can sometimes lose a sibling as a child and vow with childlike innocence to “grow up and be a doctor so I can fix sick kids”; lawyers often see an injustice and want to make a difference, which makes them excellent family law specialists, says A. Harrison Barnes, attorney and founder.

So what’s your motivation for choosing the legal field? Perhaps you want to ensure equal rights for unwed fathers? Or do you believe children are too often the victims who pay the highest price in divorces and want to be an advocate? Whatever your reasons, family law is an excellent place for attorneys to make that difference. Along with children’s rights, family law legal careers can also include:

Divorce Cases Child Support Cases Prenuptial Agreements DNA/Paternity Cases Wills and Estate Planning Probate Cases

So who makes the best family law attorneys? Actually, it’s those who can successfully keep their clients out of a courtroom, says A. Harrison Barnes. It’s all about the least amount of trauma parties experience on their way of finding solutions to any number of familial problems. Attorneys who can keep a degree of common courtesy are the ones who will discover a thriving legal career in this area of law. Those who are genuinely interested in their clients can often keep a degree of civility in any meetings with those they are facing off with in a lawsuit and ideally, be able to find a way for both sides to feel as though the solution is fair – especially in child custody cases.

Any family law attorney knows tempers and emotions are high in some cases, which is part of the reason attorneys in this field often use “stressful” to describe their careers; still, when a case is settled with those who prefer to take a mature high road, it only serves to reiterate the lawyer’s decision to enter into this specialty. has many opening for those looking for careers in family law, along with every other legal specialty. So what’s your license to change? How do you anticipate defining your own legal career? Maybe you’re just ready for a change; a new challenge in an already established legal career? Now’s the time to make your move as there are thousands of jobs added in real time on Many of these positions are not advertised and therefore, won’t be found via traditional means. Our expert team can make your resume and cover letter shine and then ensure it lands in front of those hiring managers that make the decisions for law firms across the country. Tens of thousands of attorneys have incorporated the process and as a result, have built impressive careers in ways they only dreamed.

You can be sure you will receive personalized attention from our experienced staff; each stands ready to play a role in landing the interviews that will lead to job offers. Whatever your specialty, can help.

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