Tuesday September 10, 2024

What is LPO?

If you haven’t heard of legal outsourcing, you will.  A new trend in delivering legal services has emerged.  Known as LPO, or legal process outsourcing, many legal firms in the U.S. have begun to ask themselves if sending work overseas is a beneficial practice.  Unlike other sectors, this practice requires a bit more due to […]

The Best Law Schools for Healthcare Law

With a growing common denominators between the legal and medical fields, many would-be lawyers are choosing healthcare law.  A. Harrison Barnes, founder of LawCrossing.com, says one reason the two fields tend to merge from time to time is due to the advances in science and medicine.  DNA revolutionized the way lawyers present cases and DNA […]

Shhh…..The Importance of Silence

Many of us can describe the job hunt, and especially within the legal field, as anything but quiet. It’s messy, loud, demanding and aggressive. But there should also be down time too, says A. Harrison Barnes, founder of LegalAuthority.com. If you can’t find time to reflect – whether you’re gearing up to take the state […]