Saturday July 27, 2024

Attorney Jobs – Top 10 Attorney Opportunities

Are you young and energetic and looking for a good job? There are different kinds of job opportunities available these days. It is very important for you to choose the right kind of opportunity. attorney jobs can be one of the best choices for you.

You must always make sure that you choose a career that suits your personality traits. Legal jobs have become one of the most wanted jobs these days. Lots of people want to join this field because there are lots of challenges as well as hard work related to it.

Other than this, there are some more reasons because of which this profession has become so popular. The first thing about the law jobs is that it is very much respectable. You are the person why can provide proper justice to people. This is the reason why you need to be honest to your clients as well as your profession.

So if you are interested in these jobs you need to find out the kind of lawyer job opportunities that are waiting for you. You must always remember that lots of people are looking for these opportunities.

So you need to be careful. There is a lot of competition in this field. Getting the right opportunity might be a bit difficult. You must always wait for the right kind of opportunities. It is very important to remember that the jobs will not be lined up for you once you pass out the bar exam.

You have to wait for the opportunities. You must also remember that these opportunities will not come to you. You need to search for them. There are various ways to find these opportunities.

One of the best ways is with the help of the internet. Internet can really provide you with some of the best opportunities of your life. There are various websites which lines up different kinds of legal jobs for you. There are two kinds of websites.

One of them will have the attorney jobs along with other jobs. On the other hand there are some websites which offer only legal jobs. The third opportunity is to post the resume online. Other than this, you search for the jobs which are related to your state or country.

You also have the option of government jobs and private jobs. Some of the attorneys are selected by the government while the others choose to work in the corporate companies. For attorney job search you also have the opportunity to look into the newspapers and magazines.

The newspapers provide a list of opportunities from which you can choose the one which suits your profile. Other than this, you can also start applying manually. You can go to the legal offices in search for the jobs.

You can also look for opportunities that come through different kinds of people. Attorney jobs can be of different types. You can also join the best law firm in your state where you can work with other attorneys as well.

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What Makes a Remarkable Paralegal?

What defines a remarkable paralegal; one who stays a step ahead of the attorney she’s working next to and the one who has a genius mind, capable of quoting dates and circumstances from every case he or she’s ever been involved with? We asked A. Harrison Barnes, an attorney, career coach and founder of for his thoughts. “A genius mind and one who stays a step ahead? You’ve already defined the two most important qualities a firm likes to have in its team of paralegals”, says Barnes. There are a few other qualities that every paralegal should possess, though. Together, they define the paralegal who will always find an incredible job that offers great benefits and an impressive salary. Keep reading and if you’re a paralegal looking for a perfect job opportunity, you might have just discovered something other paralegals may not know or emphasize in their own job searches.

  • “Staying current with the ever changing legal landscape is crucial”, says the founder. “Not only that, but great paralegals will enroll in a couple of continuing education courses annually so that she’s aware of not only her role in the firm, but also the latest trends for the firm as a whole”. Barnes recommends the National Association of Legal Assistants and the National Federation of Paralegal Associations, Inc. as excellent places to begin.
  • A remarkable paralegal has very definitive ethical boundaries that are never violated and at no time is the delicate trust between attorney and paralegal ever jeopardized. “Paralegals have a bit more leeway in terms of his or her conduct in that they are not obligated to acknowledge the state bar’s guidelines; regardless, a paralegal’s lapse of judgment can affect the attorneys she works for and the firm as a whole”, says Barnes.
  • Those paralegals who can show compassion while also not compromising the efforts of the legal team are always in big demand. “It’s a fine line, but a good paralegal knows that balance can be struck and that’s exactly what his goal should be”, says A. Harrison Barnes.
  • Finally, a good attitude and the ability to think outside the box are two good qualities that any employee should possess. While “thinking outside the box” sounds like a catchphrase, there is merit in it. Those who broaden their horizons are the ones who are going to find the right solutions. Remaining in the same narrow parameters only allows you to grow stale and you can lose your worth with the firm you’re working for.

So you see, it really is a matter of taking pride in a job well done, remaining aware – and then acting on – the changes in the American justice system and creating your role in the firm you work for that lets others know you’re the one who has the solution or the way to find one and then institute it. Come to think of it, that’s actually good advice for any employee – whether he’s in the construction business or the legal field.

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Upcoming Conference for Those Considering Sports Law

If you’re a recent law school grad or are considering shifting your energy to the sports law sector, there’s an important conference coming up that will provide much insight into this fast moving specialty. “In fact, it’s the ideal conference for those recent grads who are anticipating building a career in the legalities of the sports world”, says founder A. Harrison Barnes.

“The Increasing Regulation of Sports in a Declining Economy” is slated for October 21, 2010. The annual conference will be held at Marquette University Law School and CLE credits are available, said the founder. The seminar begins with a pre-conference reception to be held on the 4th floor of the Eckstein Hall, located on West Michigan Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This is also the new home of the National Sports Law Institute, so there’s a lot to look forward to and the building itself is spectacular! Registration is between 8 and 9 a.m., with a welcome message and introductions of speakers (see below) beginning at around 8:50 a.m. Conference panels will be between 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., when the conference is slated to wrap up.

Some of the speakers and their chosen topics are as follows:

  • Robert Kaler, the CEO and General Counsel of the United States Soccer Federation Foundation in Washington D.C. will speak of the challenges within this particular sport.
  • Matt Banker, who is the Assistant Commissioner for Institutional Services, Ohio Valley Conference, Nashville, TN
  • Nancy Hogshead-Makar, Professor of Law, Florida Coastal School of Law and Senior Director of Advocacy, Women’s Sports Foundation, Jacksonville, FL.
  • From the University of Missouri, Law & Senior Fellow Professor Ilhyung Lee will is expected to speak of dispute resolution in major sports arenas.
  • Greg Heller, Senior Vice President and General Counsel for the Atlanta Braves will be present and will provide information on major league baseball and its specific challenges.
  • Mary K. Braza, Partner and Chair, Sports Industry Team, Foley & Lardner, LLP, will be present and will provide insight on several specific topics.

These are just a few of the esteemed guest who will be present to share their unique experiences within sports law. Turnout is expected to be high, says A. Harrison Barnes and historically, this conference has been a favorite among those in both the legal and national sports arenas.

As mentioned, this conference will apply CLE credits and the official conference hotel is the Courtyard Marriott. A block of rooms with special rates are available, but Barnes and others recommend reservations be made soon. For more information on room reservations, you may contact the hotel directly at 414-291-4122 and for more information on the conference itself, visit the Marquette University website at

Barnes highly recommends this conference for anyone within the legal sector and especially those who are considering or have recently opted for this exciting legal specialty.

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Shorttask – An Easy Way to Find Manufacturing Engineering Job

ShortTask? Have you heard of it before? Do you know what is it and how it can result in effective job searches? Is your answer “no” to all these questions then here is something that is really going to help you. ShortTask is a unique freelancing plateau where the clients with small projects can upload their projects to be taken and completed by service providers. Here you can find ample number of manufacturing engineering jobs.

And goodie is all these manufacturing engineering jobs are to be done from the comfort of your home at your own time. You work when you want and enjoy other things when you want. There is no one to watch what you are doing and how. What is required is that once the task is taken up you should complete it within the completion of the duration time or else you will be at loss as the manufacturing engineering job will automatically become open for others to pick it up.

Genuine work from home jobs are difficult to find but ShortTask is a well renowned website paying out solvers at the right time as soon as the task submitted is accepted by the seeker. Paypal is not integrated into ShortTask directly but payment is completely done through paypal. Once the amount gets deposited into your account you need to withdraw it. The best part is unlike other portals the minimum withdrawal limit is only $10.00. This means you work daily and withdraw the money daily.

One of the most admired features of ShortTask for doing manufacturing engineering jobs is that there is no competition for the service provider. You do not have to bid on projects to work on them. Tasks are listed as they come with the amount the solver wishes to pay for each successfully completed task. If you like what is paid for each task just take it up and complete it. When you pick up the task it gets blocked for you no other service provider can pick it up. Only thing to remember here is that the task becomes open to others if you are unable to complete it on time.

It is all very simple just try it out.

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Keeping Your Faith

The job market is improving, companies are beginning to hire again and yet you still find yourself receiving those frustrating “thanks, but no thanks” form letters after being positive you’d aced your latest interview. How do you remain determined and keep your faith when it seems you can’t catch a break?

As mentioned, there are already strong indicators that things are finally on the rebound, but when’s the last time you took an objective look at your resume? A. Harrison Barnes, career coach and founder, says if he could stress one important factor for those looking for jobs, it would be the role of the resume. “Too many people don’t emphasize their resumes and assume it doesn’t play as significant role as much as career coaches such as myself keeps saying”. The founder continues, “If you’re that willing to take a nonchalant approach towards getting the job, how does an employer know you won’t take the same approach once you’ve landed the job?”

What advice does Barnes offer? “Simple”, he says, “allow an expert, such as the resume service offered via, to give your resume the once over and be sure it’s as powerful as it could be”.  He continues, “Commitment shines through.” It’s that commitment that will be the determining factor on how soon you move into a job you’re better suited for and that will challenge you.

One recent trend of underemployment seems to be improving. In late 2009, nearly 18% of those currently employed were considered “underemployed”, meaning they were currently in jobs that didn’t allow them to use their education to its full capacity. Those numbers are closer to 14% these days, although official figures aren’t in yet. It’s important to remember it’s only temporary. Those underemployed cited several reasons for taking any work that come their way over the past couple of years:

  • Unemployment benefits aren’t enough to cover expenses or worse, have already run out
  • Many feel being in the public keeps their minds occupied and keeps them out of the house, where they might otherwise dwell on their lack of a career in their chosen profession
  • Their savings aren’t dwindling as fast when they’re working for any kind of income
  • You never know when opportunity will present itself in the most unlikely of places – even those who are underemployed can still network and quite successfully, too, says Barnes

Let’s face it, these challenging times will speak strongly of our character and we can learn a lot about ourselves. We might discover we’re stronger than we realized and who knows, you might meet your next business partner that will become the other half of an extremely successful business in your chosen profession. Regardless, it’s important to not allow negativity to take over and cause doubt. Nothing is worse for a career than those emotions that serve no real purpose.

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Mixed Messages?

If we’re to believe what’s coming out of Washington, national unemployment rates will remain above 9% through 2012, despite predictions of a 4% growth of the economy in both 2011 and 2012. Deciphering the many numbers from various governmental agencies is difficult, at best and these latest figures only highlight discrepancies and even what some say are contradictions. Still, says A. Harrison Barnes, career coach and founder, these numbers from the White House are much more optimistic than other forecasts from economists. The White House is relying on “rapid growth” in business investments and a strong emphasis on exports. A White House spokesperson says the numbers are “completely reasonable”.

So what makes the Obama Administration so sure? The founder says the more assertive numbers are based on the imminent expirations of tax cuts put in place by former President George W. Bush’s administration.

The Federal Reserve predicts unemployment will fall between 8.3% and 8.7% in 2011. It could be the White House is closer than what the Fed predicts, especially if one considers the reports released in June and early July, says A. Harrison Barnes. Retail sales are down and hiring isn’t as brisk as many had hoped by now. In fact, the economy lost jobs in June. The Labor Department said a net loss of 125,000 jobs in June was mostly due to the quarter million census jobs that ended.

So does all this data point towards a double dip recession? Not surprisingly, opinions run the gamut. Some are already predicting the second half of 2010 will yield even more disappointing changes. “It’s like a vicious cycle”, says Barnes. “Businesses are pausing their efforts of adding to their payrolls because of concerns of a potential double dip recession, yet the economy can’t grow until businesses begin hiring again”.

To put it in perspective, 2008 and 2009 collectively lost more than 8.5 million jobs. By June, 2010, there have only been 593,000 new jobs added to American businesses. Par for the course, Democrats are blaming Republicans and Republicans are blaming the Democrats. In the meantime, some sectors, such as the construction sector, continue to cut even more jobs. July is expected to bring even more bad news as nearly 400,000 of the remaining census workers will find themselves unemployed.

The key could be in temp jobs. More employers are committing to filling positions with employees that are temporary in nature in an effort to ensure they’re choosing the right candidates. This trend, while not necessarily new, has seen a recent surge. The good news is once employers are confident in their temp’s capabilities, they’re offering full time permanent positions.

For now, all eyes are on the national unemployment rate, which is still hovering around 9.6%. Unfortunately, the recent drops are being credited to those who have become discouraged in their job searches and who have given up. They are no longer receiving unemployment benefits and so they don’t have to prove to anyone they’re actively looking.

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The Inclusion of a Tattoo Does Not a Bad Lawyer Make

After a few days of careful thought, you think you have pieced together the lost night when you consumed one cold beer too many, which led to an interesting tattoo that you can’t even understand why you chose, much less why you sat still long enough to have the ink injected.  Now, you’re wondering if you’ve just blown your shot at being taken seriously when you begin your job hunt in the legal sector.  A. Harrison Barnes says ideally, a tattoo has nothing at all to do with whether you’re offered a job or not.  Well, mostly, anyway.  If your friends convinced you a lovely shade of red would look just dandy in a rose…on your forehead…then maybe it’s time to get new friends.  If the ink is in an awkward place that can’t be hidden, you should consider having it lasered off.  Fair warning, says the founder; it’s both painful and expensive.  Then again, missing out on the perfect position in the perfect law firm is going to cost you far more.  Did we mention it’s time to get new friends?

Usually, tattoos are easily covered and in fact, if you were to conduct an impromptu poll, many would have no idea the paralegal for the senior partner has a tattoo of a cowboy hat on her ankle.  She has complete control over who, if anyone, sees it on the job.  Since this person exists, we asked her about it.  “I love my tattoo and I have no regrets.  My only consideration before I got it was I wanted control over when it was exposed and when it wasn’t.  This was important since there are those times in life when displaying it might be in poor taste.  Fortunately, that hasn’t happened.  And I wear dresses and business suits every day.  The freedom comes in knowing I could wear pants and no one would know.  Bottom line for me personally, though, is that I have no regrets and don’t mind showing it.”

“That’s a healthy approach”, says A. Harrison Barnes.  “As long as you’re not making a controversial political statement on your forehead or your hand (areas you can’t cover), odds are, a tattoo won’t keep you from becoming the country’s best attorney if that’s what you wish to do”.

In fact, the profiles of typical clients entering a tattoo shop today are middle age business owners, doctors, bankers and even government employees.  This comes from always wanting to do it, but opting not to because the wife, the mother, the husband convinced them otherwise; there’s always someone to discourage it.  By the time we hit our forties, we’re putting less stock into others’ opinions.

If you’ve carefully considered it, have a tasteful design in mind and have committed to placing in a place that allows flexibility on when it shows and when it’s hidden, a well placed tattoo could be good for the soul.  Just ask the cowboy hat yielding paralegal.

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What is LPO?

If you haven’t heard of legal outsourcing, you will.  A new trend in delivering legal services has emerged.  Known as LPO, or legal process outsourcing, many legal firms in the U.S. have begun to ask themselves if sending work overseas is a beneficial practice.  Unlike other sectors, this practice requires a bit more due to confidentiality laws and attorney – client privilege.  “It’s a fine line”, says founder A. Harrison Barnes.  Even as it begins to pick up momentum, there are disadvantages to outsourcing any legal work, including secretarial duties.  Still, some of the benefits are difficult to ignore.

Most law firms consider the cost savings as a big advantage.  A. Harrison Barnes says those savings are only as good as the quality of work that comes back. If you have to pay overtime to a paralegal or your legal administrative assistant, then your savings are shot – and then some.  It’s true the wage and salary differences are substantial, but keep in mind, you’re putting your law firm’s reputation on the line.  The cautions attorneys to think long and hard before opting to outsource.

Keep in mind, too, that traditionally, a law firm has one or more face to face interviews before bringing new talent on board.  From new attorneys to secretaries, with outsourcing, you forfeit that advantage.  And if you’re using a third party, you forfeit even more in terms of picking and choosing the best talent for your needs.

Most law firms spent at least part of their time meeting court deadlines.  If you’ve outsourced a task and are waiting for the work to be completed, you could be causing yourself ulcers wondering if your overseas legal help is going to drop the ball or come through at the eleventh hour.  And, as Barnes says, “No judge is going care if your briefs aren’t ready because it got lost in the process.”  If you do choose to give legal outsourcing a good effort, choose a project that allows you to effectively gauge the experience of the contractor, but that doesn’t jeopardize your reputation.

Finally, it’s important that just because it’s 1:30 on a Wednesday afternoon at your office, your outsourced help could be turning in for the night, depending on where in the world they are.  You might enjoy a bit of flexibility, but it’s also at the outsourced employee’s mercy.  It’s a gamble and a huge leap of faith.

Law firms that consider outsourcing are looking at the benefits, and there are several.  That said, be sure the benefits are worth the sacrifices – there will be sacrifices made along the way.  Ask other attorneys who have given outsourcing a try and then weigh their experiences against what you hope to gain in your own efforts.  Avoid going into a long contract, keep the initial projects small in an effort to gauge the level of comprehension and always be prepared to pick up the pieces if necessary.

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The Difficult Boss

Hearing those three little words: “the difficult boss” can make most of us cringe; after all, we’ve all been there and we can all relate to answering to someone whose ego is the size of Texas and his knowledge of the job is closer to the smallest Caribbean island known to man.  Each day brings a new adventure, as far as a difficult boss is concerned.  His employees, however, might agree that each day brings a new potential for developing an ulcer.  So how do you deal with these folks who have no management finesse, yet who sign your paychecks?  We asked founder and career coach A. Harrison Barnes for his thoughts on this uncomfortable quagmire.  Here’s his advice:

Cover your bases!  Never show up for a meeting unprepared.  That’s the golden opportunity for the boss to reveal just how difficult he really can be.
As tempting as it is, you’re not doing your career any favors by pointing out any of his 733 shortcomings.  If one of his moronic demands could prove detrimental to the company or your career, wait until you can speak with him in private.  Highlighting it in a public forum will only result in an incredibly difficult day.  In fact, says A. Harrison Barns, there’s no guarantee your consideration of waiting until you’re alone won’t result in his passive aggressive punishments, either.

Resist the urge to tell the entire department about the rumor you heart about his wife being seen with another man during karaoke night at the local bar.  Gossiping is never a good idea anyway, especially at the office, but even if it’s true it’s none of your business and the odds of it getting back to him are pretty good.
The founder also says it’s important to keep in mind the contributions and stronger points he possesses.   This will allow you to keep perspective, even as you’re contemplating lacing his coffee with white-out.

On the flip side, it’s important that you document every project that failed due to his difficult or impossible demands.  Other things you should document (quietly and without letting anyone else in on your efforts) are inappropriate outbursts, any offensive comments and even empty threats.  Include the date, time and circumstances.  Ideally, you’ll end up tossing it when the time’s right, but again, it’s all about covering the bases with these bosses.

Finally, and this might prove most difficult for many, you have to show a degree of respect, or at the very least, you must eliminate any suggestion of disrespect.  After all, to not do so can land you in hot water.  Make up your mind that until the dynamics change – those dynamics meaning you resign or the boss gets transferred to the Tokyo office – you’re going to have to adapt for eight hours a day.

There’s a sense of satisfaction in knowing you can quit anytime you’ve had enough (with proper notice, reminds A. Harrison Barnes).  Be sure you play by the rules, though.  Remember, there’s always a chance a potential new employer gives the boss from a hell a phone call in search of a reference.

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The Best Law Schools for Healthcare Law

With a growing common denominators between the legal and medical fields, many would-be lawyers are choosing healthcare law.  A. Harrison Barnes, founder of, says one reason the two fields tend to merge from time to time is due to the advances in science and medicine.  DNA revolutionized the way lawyers present cases and DNA has also become a powerful weapon in closing those cases that have long since gone cold.  If it’s healthcare law you’re considering, odds are, you’re aiming high in terms of which schools you apply to.  U.S. News World Report recently updated its list of highest ranking colleges that offer healthcare law curriculums.  You might be surprised at which schools made the cut.  Odds are, there are at least a few on the list you might never have even considered.   A. Harrison Barnes says while the list isn’t all inclusive, it’s a great place to start and as this specialized area continues to grow, more schools will be adding their own healthcare law programs.

  1. St. Louis University School of Law, located in St. Louis, Missouri ranks at the top of the list.  It’s intense programs provide incredible opportunities.
  2. The University of Maryland is the publication’s second choice.  It’s also ranked number 48 of all the colleges in the U.S.  It’s a superb school with a rich heritage and the technology needed to ensure its placed at the number spot is deserved.
  3. Coming in at number three is Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.   An impressive campus and a program that was created in 1953, this is the oldest program that combines law and medicine.
  4. Boston University School of Law ranks at number four.  This school is responsible for some of the nation’s brightest minds, including Lelia Robinson, the very first woman who was admitted to the Massachusetts bar.
  5. Rounding out the top five is Georgia State University.  This southern campus offers it all.  Located in Atlanta, those who choose Georgia State will enjoy the seemingly endless access to databases and other resources.
  6. Another southern campus, University of Houston, has long since been a favorite among law students.  It’s one out of twenty three American law schools that touts more than three nationally recognized specialty programs.

Rounding out the top ten are Georgetown University in Washington DC; Seton Hall in Newark, NJ; Loyola University at Chicago and University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, located in Minneapolis.

Once you’ve completed the educational requirements and pass the bar, you’re sure to discover the many opportunities that will suddenly be before you, says the founder.  He continues, “The more dedicated you are, the more sure you’ll be as you close one chapter of your life and begin another.”

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